Official King Charles III Portrait - St Helena

Official King Charles III Portrait - St Helena

Mar 23 , 2023

EIC new official British Isles King Charles III effigy has been designed by the well-known artist, Glyn Davies. Following the death of Queen Elizabeth II, the King becomes the first King on coins since 1952.

The East India Company is very proud to announce we have received official approval from His Majesty King Charles III and the Royal Household to use this beautiful and regal portrait of our new King on EIC coin obverses for our commemorative collections.

Glyn took about 3 to 6 months to create the initial drawing concept sketches, clay modelling and working out proportions, getting the composition right, making sure the designed portrayed the right side of King Charles. Eventually Glyn chose to create the final through a digital modelling and the final portrait created offers beautiful and regal portrait of King Charles III. Glyn is very proud to have had the opportunity to create this official portrait for the British Isles.

Interesting fact about the effigy, the direction the new monarch faces will now change. While the Queen’s image faces to the right on each one of the 29 billion coins in circulation, coins featuring the new King will show him facing to the left. This is due to a tradition, dating back to the 17th century, to alternate the way successive monarchs are facing.

You may also have noticed the change from Queen Elizabeth coins is that Charles is not wearing a crown - which is the same as previous British monarchs, and unlike the Queen, he wears no crown.

Finally, the Latin inscription surrounding the effigy has also changed. With the Queen, it said: "Elizabeth II·Dei·Gra·Reg·Fid·Def", whereas under Charles, the inscription is more truncated and reads: “• CHARLES III • D • G • REX • F • D • 1 POUNDS • 2023”. Both roughly translate as: "By the Grace of God, Defender of the Faith”.

Explore Wyon’s Masterpiece St George & the Dragon range of coins HERE